Speeding toward the U.S. border, along the deserted Canadian highway on a Friday afternoon a couple weeks ago, a large mule deer stepped out onto the road ahead forcing me to slow down.  As I approached, several more made their way across. I easily could...

Dance with Uncertainty

As I ponder my intentions for the new year, I find myself amazed that we are already in the 18th year of this 21st century full of its uncertainties and unknowns. Uncertainty sure can make us squirm and shift into worry or we can shift into the excitement of the...

Winter News & 2016 Calendar

“This year will not be just another year. It’s the absolute richest I’ve ever imagined, with the most possibilities I’ve ever offered. for the coolest people  I’ve ever known to do the greatest things ever done.  Set the bar high.”...

Eyes Wide Open

  This afternoon I was preparing to chop kindling for this week. I had the axe ready in my right hand and the 8” x 4” x 17″ piece of knot-free firewood carefully balanced on the chopping block.  “This one will be easy”, I thought.  The goal: ...

Moving Through Change

Moving Through Change Here we are.  Fall.  A time of change and transition of seasons.  As we transition into the darker time of year, we are at a prime time of looking within, at where we have been, where we are going, and how we handle change. How we respond to...

Supporting Parents

April was Child Abuse Prevention Month and I was invited to participate in The Nurturing Center’s Blue Ribbon Event.  The invitation got me reflecting upon child abuse and neglect, things I learned during my career in the Child Welfare System, as a parent, a...

Envisioning 2015

  January 1, 2015 by Brenda Westwood Happy New Year! It’s that time of year when many are setting goals, intentions and resolutions for 2015.  As I look forward to what I want to be, do and experience with Horse Sense Healing and personally in 2015, I wanted to...