It’s the end! Happy New Beginnings!

by | Dec 31, 2017 | Blog, Newsletters | 0 comments

Happy New Year 2018!

The truth is I posted this a few years back but feel like it is worth sharing again. 

It’s that time of year when many are setting goals, intentions and resolutions for 2018.  As I look forward to what I want to be, do and experience with Horse Sense Healing and personally in 2018, I wanted to share a few thoughts.

We are not just the sum total of our life experiences.  We do not have to be defined by our past, those old stories.  Sometimes stories of lack and limitation, fault-finding and fear woven have been into our stories by others.  Are these experiences, feelings, thoughts, actions that you want to bring with you into this New Year?  I suspect there are some you would like to leave behind! Whether it is a habit, a behavior, inaction, thoughts, doubts, or feelings. I sure have some thoughts and feelings that I would like to at least take out of the driver’s seat. You know, thoughts like, “Am I good enough? “I don’t have ‘time’ or I am too busy!”  What do you want to leave behind? What no longer serves you?  As I leave 2017 behind I have had to look at my relationship with struggling and how it no longer serves me!

I believe that we are beings of infinite possibilities – we are born that way.  What do you want to bring with you or create in 2018?  Not just a to-do list, like remodel the kitchen or clean out the closets, but what is your vision of how you will spend your time, energy, thoughts and feelings? Maybe you have had a vision or a dream of doing something amazing for a long time.  Will you begin it this year?  Are you thinking, “Yes, I know of things I want to do, changes I want to make in 2018 but I rarely take action on my resolutions or intentions?” Or, “Who has the time, energy or motivation to follow through?”  Or perhaps you do like many of us and just take care of what is in front of you, what has to be done day after day after day…

That’s okay.  Let’s take a little journey together right now. Sit down and close your eyes.  It’s okay. You’re safe.  Take a nice, slow deep breath, one that goes clear down into your belly.  Let it out slowly and do it again and again until you can feel your body relaxing.  Yes, you can. Now, body relaxed and fully present, allow yourself to sit with these questions: If you could do anything, and I mean anything with nothing stopping you, what would you do with your year? Your future? Dare you remember your dreams and desires of what you wanted to do with your life? What have you been dreaming about doing or experiencing if only…?  What calls your soul? How do you want to feel? How do you want to express your true essence?  Your true inner-self, that beautiful, creative, gifted, talented self?

Now sit with what you discover.  Write it down. The goal setting experts and success gurus counsel us on the importance of writing out our goals and intentions. There are several ways and techniques of goal setting, some very structured and some quite creative.  I suggest finding what works best for you.  Whether a vision board or a written goal, the most important ingredients are to: Get clear. Get certain. Get excited. Get focused. Get committed. Get momentum. Get started and right away. So make a plan with small steps toward your vision or goal. I invite you to step, even with just a tippy-toe, into that space. That wondrous, heart-racing, exhilarating space of infinite possibilities!  Just one step at a time!

Dare to dream it. Dare to do it. Dare to be it!

I would love to hear from you.  What are you daring to dream, do or be in 2018?  How will you begin?

There is still time to join our Catch Your Vision 2018 class which starts January 4th if you would like to support for building your 2018 vision!  Check it out here.

Wishing you much joy, abundance and daring dreams in the coming year!

In joy,

Brenda & the healing herd