Mom’s HSH invitation

by | Mar 31, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

My mom was a inspiring writer.  She made copies of some of her works for family and did a small self published book. Her writings were deep, inspiring, profound, spiritual and more. I have boxes of her poems and writings that I hope to someday get out to the world. Mom passed April 6, 2019. I have I just ran across this invitation poem in my drafts.  I must be time to share it!  She captured the essence of my place quite well.
Up an old back road
          you’d go –
horses sniff at your coming
          and so-
their hearts hear your song
drifting thru trees
and the creek sends your prayer
in a welcoming breeze.
With a nudge from a horse
you’ll find a path
undiscovered before.
Hooves carry your song
to the smiling door
                             BT © 2017