Moving Through Change

by | Nov 4, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments


Moving Through Change

Here we are.  Fall.  A time of change and transition of seasons.  As we transition into the darker time of year, we are at a prime time of looking within, at where we have been, where we are going, and how we handle change. How we respond to change and transitions usually depends upon what type of change we are facing.

I was recently reading a Colorado State University article about change, Transitions & Changes: Practical strategies by S. Quick, R.S. Fetsch & M. Rupured who wrote about strategies to help us avoid creating unfinished business. Exactly what we learn to assist people in clearing with the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method! Change whether gradual or sudden, smooth and gradual, or abrupt and unpredictable can be uncomfortable and bring up feelings of fear and uncertainty.

People often tend to move away from pain and discomfort.  The authors point out that when people rush into change, into the new, they often end up exhausted, frustrated and stressed, with unfinished business which gets in the way of completing today’s transitions. The article contains a list of three stages of transitions during life changes, Fall, Winter and Spring, and strategies to help avoid creating unfinished business and ways to be more flexible during our own change processes:

Fall transition: A time of ending, of harvest. Since every transition or change begins with an ending, honor endings. Seek closure. Celebrate the harvest or gifts gained along the way. Stay present with feelings.

Winter transition:   Here we aren’t yet fully connected to the new nor completely disconnected from the old.  There may be feelings of confusion or emptiness. During this stage, the authors suggest taking time to reflect, increase self-awareness, seek the “gains” in the new, and stay present with feelings.

Spring transition:  A time of new beginnings, letting go of the old, looking at what you need now. What needs nourished, nurtured? Stepping into the vision of how you want to be.  Setting short term flexible goals (SMART plan anyone?)  Stay present. Reward yourself!

As you reflect on your own process of change, of manifesting your visions:

What is changing in your life?

How to you want to move through change?

Where are you flexible, resilient?

What do you need to finish so that you can move forward?

What is holding you back?

What needs nurturing in order to fully step into the new?

Happy moving through change!

In Joy,
